We love Referrals
Earn $3000 ( Yes, Three Thousand Dollars ! ) Referral Bonus, when you refer an IT Professional to Urooj, who ends up joining Urooj on Full time basis.
This is only for Candidates who are already in USA, have a project in hand or can bring a project on their own to work thru Urooj.
For those candidate, for whom Urooj have to find a project, the referral Bonus is $2000. ( Two Thousand Dollars)
Referral Bonus is paid, only:
- When the candidate stays employed on full time basis with Urooj, for atleast 1 year.
- After we receive our payments from our Clients / Partners.
- 50% of the referral fee will be paid after we receive 6 months of Billing and the balance 50% will be paid after we receive another 6 months of billing.
- This is only for Candidates who are already in USA on a valid work permit.